Easy Step Guide on Planning Your Trip


In this article you will find an easy step guide on planning your trip. If you haven’t quite dared to plan your next trip yet, this guide will help you put all your worries aside. Sometimes it can be a bit overwhelming or complicated, but it doesn’t have to be like this. Simply work through one point at a time and your trip is planned. You also find some advices, how the planning in general can be easier for you. Furthermore, we introduce you to Lambus App, which is a all-in-one travel planning tool.

To planning your trip you can follow theses steps like this or you change the order. This is up to you. If you feel like, something is missing, just add, whatever you need in your case. Just belive me: Start planning makes it easier than just thinking about it. And with every step you get more excited and you journey comes clother.

Plan your company

When you start planning your trip one of the first steps is to decide with whom you want to travel. No worries, you don’t have to know now. But consider what is best for you. Do you prefer to travel with your family or with friends or do you rather travel alone? Everything is fine but depending on this decision, your planning will proceed. It has an influence on how much you coordinate with others and also how much planning work you take on yourself and also which ideas and wishes are taken under consideration.

Women laying at the pool on barhamas with view on the sea.

If you need some input to make the decision with whom you like to travel and what could be a good destination for you; this can be intresting for you:

Plan your destination

Picture of venezia. houses at the canal and on the canal are typical venezian boats.

After deciding with whom you want to travel you can plan your destination. Be open for places and coutries where you haven’t been yet. The internet is full of inspiration. Here are some ideas to inspire you: The Most Beautiful Short Trips In Europe and 10 Incredible Places to See Before You Die.

If the decision is clear, you can think about how to get there. If you wanna take a flight, it can be smat to book in advance, even if you haven’t planned every detail. Also if you wanna take a ferry or a long distance train.

wooden way towards the sea. man with backpack is walking this way.

When you know approximately which region you will be travelling to, then the real planning starts.

Plan your waypoints

Once you know where to go, you can figure out all the details. Lets start with the waypoints or your itinerary. With Lambus you can set waypoints and include them in your route. You can see the distances between your stops and also what else can be discovered nearby. You can use Lambus together with you travel buddies and like this you can easily plan in which order you would like to go to which waypoint and how to get there. In this case we planned a Road trip in France and with the app we can see how long the ride is and how far the next destination. I also shows else to do and, for instance, which museums or restaurants are close by.

Screenshot of lambus. app to plan your travel. on this picture you can see waypoints and iternirary.
Screenshot of Lambus – Travel planning tool

After setting your waypoints, lambus can help you to plan how to get there:

Plan your transportation

The more you want to see on your trip, the more waypoints you will set. This involves organisation, because somehow you have to get from one place to another. With Lambus, you can choose which type of transport you want to use between each waypoint. One way with a rental car, within the city by bus, then maybe a flight to the next city and from there by train? No problem if you plan your route and times carefully. Make sure you always allow enough time for the routes. In Lambus, the estimated journey time is calculated automatically.

Screenshot of lambus app. travel planning tool. Shows a map of europ with the itinerary and the distance between the single waypoints by car.
Screenshot of Lambus – Example route

Plan your accomodations

picture of house in the woods. the house looks like it just has a roof and no walls. in front of the door is a woman standing and looking in the wood.

The next step in this guide to planning your trip is the accomodation. If you know where to go you can decide where to sleep. If you are inrestetd in more unique houses, check Airbnb. Another good website to find what you are looking for is booking.com. You could also book the accomodation straight through lambus, because its an all-in-one-plattform. You can book the accomodation seperatly and add later to you itinerary, as well. Its also practical to add the booking confirmation and tickets, so everyone who is joining the trip has access to all the important documents.

Screenshot lambus app. It shows the accomonations in a list with date and name of hotel.

Plan your activities

two poeple who are paragliding and having a nive view over houses and fields and blue sky

Now its getting more and more detailed. You know where to go and where to stop. But what to do there? To find some good recommended things to do at your waypoint you could use Tripadvisor. You can find sight seeing and attractions, restaurants and activities over this plattform. All recommended and rated by the community. Another good option to find your activity is GetyouGuide.

And, as you might already guessed: You can use Lambus to plan and book your activities. With the app you can the whats on your way and what kind of offers you have.

This is how it could look like if you want to see saved places on you itinerary:

Lambus screenshot. Saved places for an example itinereary in Paris and Saint Malo.
Screenshot of Lambus – Saved places in Saint-Malo and Paris

Get information

Now that you have gone through the essential steps of planning your trip, it’s time for the fine tuning for the best possible stay.
Find out about your destination. Find out about the language, (what does ‚hello‘, ‚please‘ and ‚thank you‘ mean?) the currency, the time zones, the most important laws and regulations. Especially if you are going to another country by car, you should Google what you need to know there. It can also be helpful to find out about the culture to avoid misunderstandings and putting your foot in your mouth (do something tactless).
For example, did you know that in India the left hand is considered unclean? Therefore, you should avoid touching someone with your left hand or serving food with it.

strees somewhere is asia with a market on the right side and a strees with cars and tuktuks on the left hand side.

You should also find out well in advance whether you need a visa to enter the country, how long your passport and credit cards are valid and whether insurance or vaccinations are advisable. Do not underestimate the amount of time and preparation that is required.


Tent, car, pot and pan … Plan in advance what equipment you will need, where you will get it and how you will transport it.
Depending on how and for how long you are travelling you will need different things.
Nevertheless, don’t pack too much and weigh what you really need and what you can get on the way. It is better to travel light.

tent on a beautiful spot in the mountains with an amazing view of landscape and nicce weather.

Packing and Leaving

Apros light luggage. This brings us to the last step of the easy step guide on planning your trip. Now it’s time to pack and leave.
Hopefully the guide was helpful for you! Have an unforgettable trip and make it as easy as possible for yourself, to enjoy as much as you can.

This was an easy step guide on planning a trip, but if you’re planning something more specific, like a backpacking trip or a road trip, check out these tips and posts:

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