Ways to Travel the World Cheaply


Most of us know this problem: We love to travel but the budget is limited. But this can’t stop us. Here are some uesful tips for you. Some ways how to travel the world cheaply.

1. Find cheap flights

The flight can be the most expensive part of you trip. But it doesn’t have to. Compare prices to see if the flight is cheaper on another website or with another airline. Date and time have an impact on the price as well. Being flexible can help you to catch the cheaper flight because the prices fluctuate. For instance, flights in the morning can be more expensive, than connections in the middle of the day. Or Wednesday can be cheaper than Friday.

Check different options and different websites also. If you are not flexible and you wanna fly in high season, I suggest you to book early because probably it won’t get cheaper over time.

Perhaps there are even cheaper alternatives than flying. In the next point you will find other ways to travel the world cheaply.

train in asia on rail with beautiful landscape and a human who's looking out of the train

2. Transports

It doesn’t always have to be the plane. Check if there are other options by bus or train. Flixbus, for example, has a great and frequently connection all over Europe. I also can recommend Regiojet, which has a good and valuable range of bus and train connections.

Using Public Transport and car sharing is also a good way to get to your destination and way cheaper than cab. Another advantage of public transportation, besides the money saving aspect, is that you see more of the country and the people. So you move a bit more off the beaten track. I have often experienced that really interesting conversations have arisen via car sharing and even friendships have developed from it. So it’s not only a cheap alternative, it’s also a good way to get into conversation with people and locals. Apps like blablacar helps you to find the best carsharing option for you.

bus, public transport and city bikes in front of the bus

If you are in a city that has long distances, like Berlin or Paris, then taking a bike can be a good solution instead of long walks or expensive cabs. Many cities offer citybikes. Most of the time, all you have to do is download an app and you can get to your destination cheaply. I really like the citybikes because you can see a lot of the city, you are super flexible, you are doing something active and also at the same time you are in the fresh air. Not to mention, you’re doing something good for the planet.

3. Food


There are multiple options to save money while eating. Besides, there are also many advantages if you don’t choose the most expensive restaurant. If you have a kitchen in your accommodation, use it. It can be great fun to buy local food at a market or check out the local supermarket. Get inspired by regional foods and dishes. You can certainly take home a lot of good things from these experiences. If you are staying in a hostel, the kitchen is a good place to meet other people and also exchange ideas.

Cooking: a wooden table with lots of food like tomatos an salat, avocado and cucumbre. Hand on the picture cutting the vegetables


Furthermore, you can make picnics in beautiful places instead of restaurant visits. Buy snacks and drinks at the supermarket and find a nice spot, maybe even with a good view? You can choose the snacks, depending on the region you are traveling. For instance, if you are in france, try a fresh baguette or croissant, if you are in the netherlands try the Stroopwaffels and if you are traveling through Bavaria take a Laugenbretzel. Find something that is famous in that area and also be open for new food. This way you can save some money and travel the world cheaply, try something new and have a relaxing break. Remember to take your trash with you and leave everything clean.

Picnic: skyline of san fransico and people sitting in groups on the gras


If you decide to go to a restaurant you can use apps like TheFork to get some discounts and make your reservations. You can discover thousands of restaurants in many countries and get up to 50 % off. So a -really comfortable way to travel the world cheaply.

Final recommodation to this toppic: Bring your own bottle and fill it up with free water. Many countries and cities have fountains for free drinking water and also you can drink tab water in many areas. Like this you don’t have to pay for expensive drinks on tourist trails or crowded places.

4. Accommodation

There is a lot of potential to save money when choosing accommodation. Choose an accommodation near public transport. This way you don’t have to rely on other transfers, shuttle buses or expensive cabs and you can comfortably travel further and explore the area. After this, when you have found a cheap accommodation in a good location compare the rooms. Consider how much time you really spend in the room and also whether the smaller, cheaper room is enough and whether you really need the sea view.
A further way to travel the world cheaply offers the platform couch surfing.

If you would like to read more about couch surfing, this can also be intresting for you: Couchsurfing – Tips & Tricks.

5. Travel in groups

Traveling in groups can be a lot of fun. Furthermore, it can also bring a financial advantage. Compared to traveling alone, you can have lower costs because you can share the expenses. For Example the rental car or the food for the picnic. Lambus is a tool to help you plan your trip and to facilitate the organization in the group. You can allocate and divide expenses.

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If you travel with a group of friends and fell fine with each other, you can also book accomodation together and share a room in a Hostel or you book a full appartment, at airbnb for instance. Like this, the accommodation gets cheaper per person, because a room for 6 is less expensive than a single room.

You can benefit from group discounts as well for some things. If you book activites or pay for entrace, always check the availability for group discounts before.

beach landscape during night, people in the picture sitting together around a campfire

6. Free activities

Look for free activities like walking tours or street festivals. Instagram, tictoc, pinterest and also other websites are full of advices and free travel tips. Do you planning to do a road trip in USA? Here are some examples for you: This one names 189 Free Things to do in Tennessee and this one talks about 40 freeThings to do in Vegas. For sure you will find some recommondations for your destination, too. Certainly, you will also find more ways to travel the world cheaply.

Furthermore, some museeums and art galleries have also free entrance on specific days. Check out in which culture input you are intressted in and find out on which day they have free or discounted entrance.

7. Don’t buy (everything new)

Don’t buy means don’t buy too many souveniers and useless stuff. Take pictures of the places you’ve visited instead. For trips with backpack or road trips you could use a lot of equipment. But maybe you know some people who did this before and can lend you things? If not, perhaps you can buy second hand. This goods are often still in a good shape but less expensive. Platforms to find what you are looking for are facebook marketplace or ebay, for instance, but there are also many more. Patagonia has a special part on their website, where they offer worn wear. And what about the local second hand shop in your home town? Maybe they have also what you need for the next trip, as well.

8. Get money

According to the previous point: Sell things you dont need anymore and bring them to a second hand shop, for example. If you are travelling and realize that you have way to much things with you, go to the next second hand shop and offer what you dont need anymore.

Another way to get money back is to cath your reimbursements. Your flight was cancelled or something else went not as planned? In many cases you can get money back if you send e-mails and filling out forms.

Despite this you can get more money if you work during traveling. Good and flexible opportunities can be woking in a hostel or working on farms. But this topic (travel and work) is too big for now. More about this in another article.

Travel ceaply and watch your budget

I hope this advices have been usefull for you. Most important is, that you always knows about your finances and don’t spend more money than you actually have. You can have the best time of your life without breaking the bank. So enjoy the next journey!

In case you still want more travel tips, have also a look at this one: Essential Budget Travel Tips

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